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A Cub (Chicago fans will be proud to know) is a young bear, whether said young bear is in Yellowstone National Park or Boystown. For the straights: A bear is a hairy, often husky, gay man who is often attracted to other hairy, husky men. Gay! Gay! Gay!īears have been a staple of the gay community for as long as it's been around. And if the nickname weren't clear enough, they have a big G on the side of their yellow helmets. Gay NFL fans of other teams - even those in Minnesota - at some deep level wish they were Packers fans.

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Not since the Oilers left the NFL has there been an NFL nickname that better encompasses gay men of every persuasion. Just how gay is your favorite NFL franchise? Chances are, it's pretty gay.įor their name alone, the Packers have been the subject of jokes and laughs from gay comedians for years. Whether it's the color of their uniforms, their nickname, or matching the color of their quarterback's hair with their uniforms, almost every team has something gay to celebrate. Thankfully, most NFL teams give some reason for gay fans to cheer. The most-watched sport in America is also tops in West Hollywood and the Castro. People are often surprised to hear that the most popular sport among Outsports readers isn't diving or gymnastics - It's the NFL.

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