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Despite so much false teaching today, the gospel will prevail. I pray he repents and comes to know the grace of God so that He can preach about the grace of God for sinners like ourselves.

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Mark and avoid him, Elevation, and Maverick City Music.”Īlly Yarid, who has over 49,000 followers on Twitter, wrote, “Steven Furtick is a false teacher who preaches a false gospel. Just Thinking Podcast’s Public Relations Manager Chris Huff agreed with Strachan’s take on Furtick, saying, “This is 110% antithetical to what the Scriptures teach.” Huff went on to attack the Elevation Worship’s music, saying, “Steven Furtick is a wolf. Strachan also tweeted those words, echoing Jesus’ words found in Matthew 7:15, where he warns to his disciples to “beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” 5:17).” Strachan then warned his followers to “not come within 50 country miles of this man’s false teaching. Now that you know which funny Father’s Day memes you want to share with your dad, choose one of the best dad quotes. In response to Furtick’s words, Strachan’s Facebook post read, “Fact check: truly following Jesus turns you into nothing less than a ‘new creation’ ( 2 Cor. Getting lost, but pretending he’s not, is part of his routine.

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